Climate Policy Initiatives

Carbon Dioxide Removal Initiative

LTC is launching a new initiative to gain the inclusion of carbon dioxide removal, one of the major necessary components of a global climate solution, in U.S. climate policy. The initiative will promote carbon dioxide removal with community education, policy analysis and program design, and policy advocacy.

Carbon Tax Initiative

In 2014, LTC launched a Carbon Tax Initiative, which seeks the adoption of an economy-wide, market-based approach to address the challenge of climate change and advance a clean-energy economy.  Central to that objective is supporting policies that can boost the economy, job creation and innovation while cutting pollution.  Consistent with our problem-solving orientation, we believe a carbon tax will allow leaders from across the political spectrum to work together to find a middle ground to address this most urgent challenge.  The Initiative is funded by Linden Trust and a bipartisan group of businesspeople who have donated to Linden Trust.

Goals for the program are to (1) develop policy proposals based on the best research and analysis and (2) nurture a national conversation about economically sound approaches. The Carbon Tax Initiative supports organizations in line with these objectives.